Remote development

Currently opening workspaces via Open folder is not possible due to recent UI rewrite. To open a workspace when connected remotely you can use built-in terminal to run lapce <PATH>.

Remote development works only with a SSH key authentication. If you want to use password, you can run Lapce via terminal with option --wait for it to attach to stdin/stdout. Lapce uses your host ssh program to handle any interaction, Lapce itself does not read ssh configuration, keys or any other related files.

Lapce has a remote development feature, which you can connect Lapce to a remote machine via SSH. After connecting to the remote machine, all the plugins, and commands will be run from the remote machine. You would have exactly the same experience as if you were working a local workspace, without feeling any differences.

To use it, click the remote icon on the top left

It will pop up the input box for you to put in the SSH connection details. You can use <user>@<host> or the Host name (do not confuse with HostName in SSH) you configured in your ~/.ssh/config.

Lapce will use your host OpenSSH installation (ssh program) to connect to remote target, it doesn't read that file directly so it will not display any host configuration from that file. Palette input in Lapce will show you only recent SSH connections that you made in Lapce itself.

Upon successful ssh connection, lapce will attempt to download proxy directly from remote host, and in case of failure, it will try to download it through your local host and upload it to remote machine. Once lapce-proxy downloaded and started on the remote machine your local Lapce instance establishes a connection to it via SSH tunnel.

After it's connected, it will show a green connected status on the remote development icon. Then you can start to Open folder as if you are opening a local folder.

Last updated